Senegal, 2016
Further to the great success achieved with the installation of the first capillary electrophoresis equipment at the UCAD in 2012, Pharmelp agreed to provide a second instrument to Prof. Serigne Omar Sarr upon his request.

Prof. Serigne Omar Sarr (UCAD), Assane Hadji Diop (pharmacien), Prof. Claude Rohrbasser (Président de Pharmelp) et Prof. Serge Rudaz (UNI-GE and Vice-président de Pharmelp)
In a nutshell
In 2012 a device, which had been developed and built by the Swiss NGO, was provided. This year, an additional step forward has been made with the installation of a manual platform Wyn-CE Comprehensive Teaching provided to the University of Dakar. This one has been developed by our colleagues from WynSep.
The performance of this new equipment is slightly higher. It is equipped with a variable wavelength UV-VIS detector whereas the ECB has a LED with fixed wavelength (250 nm). Compared to the first CE in place, this change allows the students and the staff in charge of the quality control of the drug products to optimize the detection parameters.
El Hadji Assane Diop, Master in Pharmacy, University of Geneva
People in charge
Dr Yérim Mbagnick Diop, Director of the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Bromatology at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Cheikh Anta Diop. Dakar, Senegal
Dr Serigne Omar SARR, PharmD, PhD
Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Bromatology at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal
National Laboratory of Drug Products Control, 39 Avenue Pasteur, BP 6303 Dakar Etoile
Local situation
University Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Dakar, Senegal
The ECB instrument installed in the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Bromatology at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal is a great success. Since 2012 its usage is still growing. For 2015-2016 the activity pace was specially sustained. Besides the teaching of electrophoresis to students in Licence 3 of Pharmacy in Dakar and in Master 2, four students have already defended their dissertations and three others have been working with the ECB.
Among the various theses and dissertations defended in Dakar, the following ones can be listed:
PhD Thesis in the field of Pharmacy (State diploma) (T)
LO SENE Mbène. 2015. Use of the capillary electrophoresis and of the thin-layer chromatography to assess the quality of the drug products containing Paracetamol and Ibuprofen commercialized in Senegal, Pharmacy PhD Thesis, 2015, Nr 28 : 91 pages
SYLLA Amar. 2015. Development and validation of a CE method for the analysis of diclofenac: use for the quality control of drug products commercialized in Senegal, Pharmacy PhD Thesis, Dakar, 2015, Nr 124 : 72 pages
Master’s dissertation in Physico-chemical Analyses and Quality Management of Health and Food Products (M1)
AHANOGBE Kokou Anani Lem. 2016. Validation of a capillary electrophoresis method using the double injection mode for the analysis of drug products containing diclofenac. Master’s dissertation 2 Physico-chemical analyses and Quality Management of Health and Food Products, Dakar, 2016, N° 401 : 110 pages
OUENDO Eddy Kevin Senan. 2016. Validation of a capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of drug products containing chlorphenamine maleate. Master’s dissertation 2 Physico-chemical analyses and Quality Management of Health and Food Products,, Dakar, 2016, N°21 : 55 pages
Work in progress
Study on the quality of drug products containing diclofenac commercialized in Gabon (Master’s dissertation defended by Prescilla Nyingone)
Validation and setup of a CE method for the control of drug products containing nifedipine (Thesis defended by Ariel Waya Tchassom in collaboration with Dr Assane Diop)
Validation and setup of a CE method for the control of drug products containing amlodipine (Thesis defended by Marie Anne Elisabeth Loba Djonnan in collaboration with Dr Assane Diop
The Board of Pharmelp congratulates Professor Serigne Omar Sarr for the excellent work and for the activity report provided. Further to the successful results obtained by the Senegalese students with this analytical tool, the current equipment was no more sufficient. Consequently, Pharmelp provided an additional instrument, the first WynSep device i.e. a platform Wyn-CE, in May 2016.